The Secret Wife of Aaron Burr Book Review

I want to quickly thank Netgalley and the publisher of this book for giving me a free e-ARC of this book. I really enjoyed the book!


This book was about a young girl who is sold by her own family members into slavery, she ends up with a lady who treats her unkindly and she tries to escape. Many other things happen in between, but then she is taken to a new family to “work” for. This is when the story starts to develop even further, she meets someone. A special someone. But I won’t say much more so I don’t spoil the ending for you.

My rating for this book is a 4 star out of 5.

The author of this book really knows how to captivate her readers attention, and especially their minds. Susan Holloway Scott was able to cause me anxiety while reading this book, I felt like at many times I was on edge, worried about what was going to happen next. I also felt emotional for the main character. I love it when authors do that.

Another amazing thing about this book is that there is a fairly realistic view of how things were back in the day. It seems as though Holloway actually did some research to be able to understand what was happening in that day and age. I hope that I can read more of their books in the days to come.

The characters were well developed and had a strong backstory. Most of them did at least, the only character I found that we didn’t really get to know a lot about their background would have had to be Lucas. But most of the characters were amazingly developed.

Is there a reason I rated this book a 4 star instead of a 5 star? Well, that would be because I found that it just felt like something was missing. And I don’t know how realistic a relationship between a servant and a master would be, I know that a master would fall in love or at least want the “love” of a servant, but how realistic is it for a servant in bondage to fall in love with their master?

But despite that, I really did enjoy the book. I would love to read another one of Holloway’s books. I loved the description used to represent the situations that they were going through, the author did not use unnecessary descriptive words. They used each word sparingly as if they had to ration them, but this was good, because of that, the description was left at a good amount. I am not a fan of it when other authors add excessive descriptive words.

I want to once again thank Netgalley and the publisher for presenting me with this free e-ARC to read and review.

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