Reading Motivation

Good afternoon everyone. How are you doing today? I’m doing pretty good, a bit on edge about my classes tomorrow. I have 4 classes tomorrow, one is a three hour class and the others are all in the morning. Anyways, let’s get on with today’s topic.

It seems to me that whenever I have the desire to read, I all of a sudden have no motivation to read whatsoever. It makes no sense to me, like at this exact moment I want to continue reading a book that is really interesting but I feel like I can’t pick it up, like I don’t have enough motivation or energy to read. But I really want to read.

I suppose what I should really do, is actually pick up the book and read. But how do you get from sitting on your bed with no motivation to reading a book. I have the desire to read, but what I’m lacking is the energy and motivation to read. So how does one go about getting that motivation or energy?

I would have to say that that is different for everyone, for some people it could literally be taking a nap, taking a break, unraveling from the stress of your week before taking the time to relax, or maybe it’s even just writing out your emotions and feelings on your computer or some paper. Whichever works best for you.

I have tried taking a bath to relax and read, sometimes that works and other times it doesn’t work. But what do you do when you only have an hour to read and you feel like it could take you an hour to get that energy? Or in some cases you know from experience that you will sit there staring at your book until you have about 10-15 minutes left of available time to read before you are actually able to start reading. Which is honestly really sad.

I myself, want to learn more methods on how to gain that motivation to just do something. I think a factor that might be playing into this is my anxiety. It makes me just sit there staring at my book. But if I were to really try I could fight off that anxiety instead of letting it defeat me and taking away my fun.

So I am going to pick up that book after I’m done writing this blog post, and find a comfortable spot to read, because finding a comfortable spot to sit and relax is a great way to enjoy a good book, even if it does take some time.

Thus, I hope you have an amazing day, and pick up a good book! šŸ˜€

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