The 50 Bookish Questions Tag

I was looking around at @mediashadowreads and saw they had posted a book tag post and they also don’t know who the original creator of this tag was, so if anybody knows who the creator of it is, I would love to know!

Anyways, let’s move onto answering some questions!

1. What was the last book you read?

The last book I read not including the one I am currently reading was called The Elite from the Selection series (Book #2).

2. Was it a good one? 

It was fairly decent, I mean, it had a fair amount of cliche’s but other than that it was pretty good. Oh and don’t forget the love triangle.

3. What made it good? 

If you could say it was good, I would say the fact that it kept me on edge, I love tension, when you just get really emotional. I love that feeling.

4. Would you recommend it to other people?

I suppose so, I mean, it’s not terrible and I’m sure my friends who are much younger than me would probably like it.

5. How often do you read? 

I honestly try to read every day for at least 30 minutes a day.

6. Do you like to read?

Um, well yeah! I love reading! And I regret spending two years of my life not reading but rather watching anime.

7. What was the last bad book you read? 

Well, it wasn’t really bad but it wasn’t good either. And That would have been The Selection (the Selection series #1)

8. What made you dislike it?

It was cliche, and it had a stupid love triangle that was not done well, and many more issues I could go on about. In fact if you want to hear more about what I disliked, go ahead and check out my book review for it here.

9. Do you wish to be a writer? 

I have always wanted to be an author, especially an author of fantasy books. But I’m currently writing a self help book to do with anxiety.

10. Has any book ever influenced you greatly? 

I would have to say House of Many Ways. In fact, I actually made a video of it, like with actors and such. It was for a project in my com media 30 class in high school.

11. Do you read fan fiction? 

I used to read fan fiction all the time. Especially ones to do with anime.

12. Do you write fan fiction?

I used too. I don’t know how good I was at it. I was only like 14 years old.

13. What’s your favourite book?

I can never pick my most favorite book, but I mean I really liked The Distant Hours and the The House at Riverton by Kate Morton.

14. What’s your least favourite book? 

I don’t have a least favorite book. I mean, now you’re going to hate me haha. I really don’t like the way the Chronicles of Narnia was written as the word and just kept appearing so much and it just sounded redundant. I didn’t even read the whole first book.

15. Do you prefer physical books or read on a device?

I Need physical books, I can’t handle electronic books. They’re just too hard to focus with. I need the feeling of a real book, the pages, the smell, the realistic features of a real book!

16. When did you learn to read?

I would have to say that I’ve been reading since like I was 5 maybe even younger who knows. I just know that when I was in grade 5 I was reading grade 10/11 level books. I have just always been fairly good at reading. When I had the choice of getting a McDonald’s toy or the book, I would always choose the books.

17. What is your favourite book you had to read in school?

If we are talking about high school then it would probably be “To Kill a Mockingbird.” If we are talking college, then since I’ve only been in college a year it would have to be “Haroun and the Sea of Stories.”

18. What is your favourite book series? 

Hmm… I have to think on that one. Ah! Probably the “Make Lemonade Trilogy.”

19. Who is your favourite author?

Definitely a tie between Kate Morton, and Kimberly Freeman.

20. What is your favourite genre? 

Um… It would probably be a tie between historical fiction mystery and realistic fiction and maybe add some YA dystopian worlds in/fantasy.

21. Who is your favourite character in a book series?

Ahh! This is so hard, but probably a tie between Beattie (From Wildflower Hill) and Grace Bradley (From The House at Riverton)

22. Has a book ever transported you somewhere else?

Basically every single book I read that is for fun and not like a textbook. I always see a visual movie inside my head when reading.

23. Which book do you wish had a sequel? 

Honestly, I feel like Wildflower Hill could use a sequel, but at the same time I don’t want to risk them ruining the book for me by writing a bad sequel. Especially if the character’s were to change too much.

24. Which book do you wish DIDN’T have a sequel? 

Probably “Shatter Me,” just because it was a decent first book but once they kept adding more books to the series it just got worse and worse.

25. How long does it take you to read a book?

Sometimes all it takes me is like 3 hours to read a book if I were to read it non-stop. I mean, if it’s a 150 page book probably an hour. Anything more than 300 pages would probably be about 3-4 hours. But if I don’t have time to just sit and read, and only have time for 30 minutes to an hour a day then it would probably take about a week to read a 300 page book. It all depends I suppose.

26. Do you like when books become movies?

Well, I mean, if they could turn a book into a movie without ruining the book. Like when they turned “A Wrinkle in Time” into a movie, I was horrified. It was so incorrect and it was just an awful interpretation of the book. They cut way too much out and it was just bad. Yuck. So sometimes, and sometimes not. It all depends.

27. Which book was ruined by its movie adaptation?

Um, definitely like I said above “A Wrinkle in Time.”

28. Which movie has done a book justice?

I feel like “The Book Thief” was fairly decent. It was pretty good.

29. Do you read newspapers?

Well when I’m at home and not at college, and I pick mail up from the post office that is a newspaper from my local time then I usually check it out for interesting stuff.

30. Do you read magazines? 

I used to read anime magazines and animal magazines all the time when I was younger, but I don’t know if I read them very much anymore.

31. Do you prefer newspapers or magazines? 

Probably magazines.

32. Do you read while in bed? 

I read quite often in my bed, practically anywhere I can read, I read.

33. Do you read while on the toilet?

Um, well if I’m being honest, I used to all the time, but not so much anymore.

34. Do you read while in the car?

I love reading in the car. It distracts me from all the anxious thoughts such as “what happens if we crash, are we going to crash? This is scary” etc etc. Sometimes I’m even too scared to read though.

35. Do you read while in the bath? 

ALWAYS!! I don’t understand when people say that they’re scared they’re going to drop their book in the tub. I mean, I’ve never done that in my 19 years of living, haha.

36. Are you a fast reader? 

I think so. I mean I can read like 3 pages every minute and a half or faster.

37. Are you a slow reader?

I mean, um, this kind of is a repetitive question. Just look at the answer to the above question.

38. Where is your favourite place to read? 

Either in the tub or on a couch at college that looks out the window. But at my house it’s probably my bed.

39. Is it hard for you to concentrate when you read? 

Not usually. Only if I’m super super anxious.

40. Do you need a room to be silent while you read?

No. I can read in a loud room, with music in my ears, while a movie is playing, as long as it’s not reading for school. Such as an Old Testament textbook.

41. Who gave you your love for reading? 

Probably my mom. She always would read to me before bed until I began reading to her out of the books she was reading me. We kind of had our own little reading time together.

42. What book is next on your list to read? 

Well, I am currently reading the Selection series, and I need to read the next book in that series which is the “Selection Novella’s” and so that’s my next book.

43. When did you start to read chapter books?

Probably like 6 or 7.

44. Who is your favourite children’s book author?

Well they’re a children’s author and an adult author, but Janette Oke.

45. Which author would you most want to interview? 

Probably Kate Morton or Kimberly Freeman.

46. Which author do you think you’d be friends with? 

Well that all depends, just because their writing style is something I enjoy doesn’t mean I’d enjoy their personality or mindset.

47. What book have you reread the most? 

Uhh, I honestly don’t know.

48. Which books do you consider ‘classics’?

I don’t really read many classics, or I don’t know if I read classics at all. I mean I think I would consider Pride and Prejudice a classic. I’m not sure honestly.

49. Which books do you think should be taught in every school? 

Well, I definitely think “To Kill a Mockingbird,” “Between Shades of Gray,” “My Side of the Mountain,” and the “Make Lemonade Trilogy.”

50. Which books should be banned from all schools?

I really don’t think a book needs to be banned unless they’re really crude and such.

Okay, wow, that took a while to answer these questions. I hope you guys enjoyed finding more about me and hearing what I had to say.

I tag:

The Literary Huntress

The Portuguese Bibliophile


A Book A Thought

Kristin Kraves Books

and The Book of Jess

If I didn’t tag you and you want to join, feel free to! Also don’t feel obligated to join if I tagged you. ❤

-Sincerely, Victoria Marks.

2 thoughts on “The 50 Bookish Questions Tag

  1. Thanks so much for the tag! This is just such a large and complete tag, it’s probably going to take me forever to do it, but I’ll definitely get around to it!


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